Mendeley: the reference management software

Yesterday, a friend of mine Dmitry Konstantinov told me about Mendeley. His problem was he had got a lot of papers within his computer and needed to handle them efficiently. After digging the Internet, he found Mendeley reference management system. The system allows you to sort papers, extract the title, abstract, authors, and references from textual PDFs, automatically retrieve meta-information about them from services like CiteSeerx, annotate papers and even their paragraphs, tag papers, flag them as read/favourite etc. Full text search across all your library is very convenient too.

The project is based in London, and share some management with Unsurprisingly, they have a social network upon all that. You can share you paper collections, upload your articles, synchronize your library with Mendeley Web. A user has up to 500 Mb space on servers. Now I see, where the idea of SciPeople, Russian scientific network, comes from. I don't know if such networks are the future of science, but they are, however, worth paying attention.

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3 Response to "Mendeley: the reference management software"

  1. hr0nix says:
    28 December 2009 at 02:33

    Hell yeah! That's what I was looking for!

  2. hr0nix says:
    29 January 2010 at 10:16

    iPad + Mendeley with annotation support. That's what would be nice! =)

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